Sunday, April 24, 2011

Boat Shoes and Great White Sharks

I'm Molly, the youngest sister. This is what you should know about me:
-I want to study behavioral patterns of predatory sharks just because working on Wall Street (my initial plan in life) just seems ludicrous now that Goldman Sachs is in debt. I mean seriously, why work in an office when you can just cage dive with massive great white sharks?
-I am a vegan and I do not do it for the animals. Sorry, PETA, I'm just don't sympathize cows and chickens.
-Trail running is my favorite 'activity' to do. I'm just that weirdo who will go out and run 20 miles. I could be doing a lot stranger things.
-A couple months ago, I came home from Italy after spending 5 months with a very strange family. The experience gave me a whole new outlook on Italians. Who knew that they loved cheeseburgers and french fries so much? Incredible what you can find out from living with strangers. I got attacked by their dog while I was there and now look like Joaquin Phoenix. Joaquin Phoenix before he became an aspiring rapper for publicity.
-My sense of humor is quite dry and somewhat crude, so I will do the best that I can without offending people. The other day I was in a thrift store and Sarah (the old sister-sorry) presented me with "101 Hamburger Jokes." It was one of the most beautiful things. I just like all kinds of ridiculous stuff which is why YouTube is like a gold mine. You just, it is so great I am at a loss for words.
-I love Sperry Top-Siders and not just because I went to boarding school. I recommend them to everyone.
-My sisters and I don't look anything alike. I am blonde and fast and have a semi-fro.
-I aspire to be Jacques Cousteau. No, I still want to be a girl and I have nicer teeth, it is just that he is most amazing person in history.
And the last thing on my list is that I am reapplying to college because the first school I went to was too...hmm, I don't want to offend anyone so I'll just say it was too Coach Bag and Natty Light for me.

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