Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Another Year of What is Good

There is something 
That I cannot explain
I only know that the force of it reminds me to say, "Thank you"


The passing of time does not diminish the cause of my heart,


Which is to love.

With every single fiber of my being.

Monday, December 14, 2015

I am not an anchor
but a buoy
Flopping and bouncing with wind
and waves
Knowing this boat
needs to drift sometimes
hug a shore
break loose
then submit to tides
and seaweed, wet boots, soggy blankets
matted, twisted hair at the nape of my neck
Hard rowing towards horizons and inlets
then rest
Prone to diving in without knowing how deep
the water is or how cold
Joking that I only feel one side
 fretting about the other giving out
Calling out to my god when the wind whispers
then howls so my voice disappears and I wonder
from deep within me
which prayers have been heard.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015


Big skies call me and I dream of
landscapes whizzing by with the shutter wide open
My heart thumping like a hesitant drummer
I never wonder what is at the end of the journey
 It's what fills the landscape as I move through changing scenes:

Tall matted grass
Broad fields with tractor lines and baled hay
Tiny flowers in the foreground I squint to see and cannot name
Gray brown buildings with slack boards, light streaming through
Slanted shifting shadows
Sometimes a rusted tractor with weedy tendrils woven through its wheels
holding it in place
Dense woods with speckled sun that tiptoes through
Taut, mossy trunks holding thick boughs with wide leaves 
bend over time
  and dead, dried trees with creaking branches that reach like old men
 pointing their arthritic fingers toward the sky, perhaps unwilling
to quit, hoping that the light and drenching rain
will keep them awake just a little longer

Monday, November 16, 2015

In Observance

In Observance

Sometimes life calls upon us
to give more than we think we can
There are perils we cannot anticipate
The suffering of others which we can choose to watch from the sidelines
or reach out despite our indifference
 the inconvenience of disrupting a day with full intentions
laundry lists (literally) best deals, produce markets busting at the seams with culturally diverse multi colored options, fruits we have not bitten
even though we wrap our fingers around them, smell them,
are tempted by them
and allow the most important parts, the sweetest, to slip through
drip on our toes
cause our feet to stick
make a mess of the carpet
But, most curious, we refuse to plant them in our gardens.

Monday, November 2, 2015

I Will Not Make Everyone Happy

I Will Not Make Everyone Happy

Not today or tomorrow.
I will not always intuit what others need
I will trip over my words and my feelings
Seem obtuse
And sometimes cold
Hard to reach or understand
and might easily tear up when asked what's going on
I won't always have an answer
because life gets busy and there are often competing
that captivate me
and quiet spots that deserve my attention too
shifting light and changing seasons
I will wear clothing that does not match 
just because I didn't have to iron it in the morning
and it will feel right when I put it on in the faint light
that calls to me long before the alarm sounds
after restless nights
or deep sleeps
When I wake up in the dark I almost always look out at the night sky
sometimes I even walk out on my back porch with bare feet and drag wet leaves inside
after hoping to see a star dropping, soft light tails behind it 
because that would be lucky, right?
And a wish could be made
that I could be all things
steady and right
earnest and honest
always kind in my thoughts and deeds
my words could be pure and my
feet would be planted
Instead I become afraid
that I am coming up short somehow
not strong enough or
determined and steady handed
Shifting foot to foot
With vision blurred
as I fix on a horizon, light to dark and back again
and lose my way when there is no moon to guide me
awkward and sullen dragging bags filled with what has been avoided
mismatched socks and dusty remnants, self conscious
all distractions 
I will let you down from time to time, no doubt.
And there is no sorry that will make it right
All I know to do is to keep moving forward,
reach out open handed
step, sometimes stomp
run hard and fast, walk lightly, quietly, tip toe
and breathe
and hope that you will breathe with me.
Please breathe with me.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Dear Molly

I am not sure how many miles you have run or traveled in twenty five years my sweet daughter, but one thing I know for sure, is that you are moving towards something important. You have worked hard and waited patiently for your turn at the table and all you ever talk about is what you plan to give, what you hope to contribute to this planet and to others.

Your footprint has been both gentle and important. I am not sure that you know or understand the power of your presence in the lives of others. You have brought me to tears with laughter with your take on life, what is odd and curious about human behavior, including my own. You remind me not to take myself so seriously. 

You came into this life as the surviving Gemini, a twin, strong and hearty, always walking your own path, independent and fierce, making clear that no one else would define you. You are fearless in your determination and I am in awe of your strength and courage. 

The ground work has been laid. You know that when you run it requires one foot in front of the next and that the path behind you, all the knots, twisted roots, elements that greet you when you change elevation, are part of the course, intended to prepare you for what is to come. And what is to come will be good. This life, your life, will continue to be rich as you learn what is possible in yourself and others. And you will breathe easy, no matter how high the mountain. The gift is not necessarily the coast down nor the view from the top. It's each moment that makes up the journey, the people you meet along the way, glorious intersections with others wiser than ourselves, the quiet that settles in whether you are still or moving, paying attention to each breath, peace that comes with understanding,
and the grace to accept it all.

Happy Birthday Beauty. I am celebrating your birth. I am proud to be your mother, pleased that you chose me.

I love you.


Saturday, May 23, 2015



I look to the sky for answers
At night stars blink back and sometimes I think I can hear them 
Even though they offer no grande perspective
That's been saved for the moon
with its mysterious haze that buzzes 
Whispers to me in a voice that I need to lean into
and it drops down on my shoulders like a
weighted blanket that I drag through the damp yard
wearing flip flops, a hopeful garment after a long winter
The smell stays with me
worms and rich, composting soil
Peepers hang on the edge, chip chirping, cacophonous
and panicked by unpredictable chills
They ignore the fact that morning will come
with buttered sky
Seen through mottled windows
splashed by big truck traffic
and dust
kicked up 
from a gritty winter road.
Blue shows up just when it seems it won't
after fog and din
Some big creature that insists on rolling through this valley
right in front of the sun
and light that
certainly lands on my face
and hands stretched out greet it.

Monday, March 30, 2015

I am Home

I Am Home

It's the warm floors on the coldest nights 
Furnace thrums
No cold air seeping through the corners
 I sleep with the windows open
so I can hear the sound of the stars
rain falling
snow shooshing
wind cracking vulnerable branches
the moon humming
and cars passing through town
kicking up gravel
At the end of the day, I come in through the mudroom and
 bright red back door with a glossy finish
to a kitchen with the smell of coffee and herbs, sometimes bacon
when Tim treats himself to a diner breakfast
This place with overstuffed bookcases
Pictures and trinkets 
Mismatched chairs with pillows at the kitchen table
A table salvaged from a burn pile behind the Boys' home
Eight feet long with half burned candles in the middle
and unfinished business on one end;
Taxes or building plans, mail, newspapers folded over
to remind us to read something that struck the other
A jar with fermenting cabbage and a bottle of tahini or some sauce or seasoning
Spills for sure
I roll out pie crust on the other end or plan dinner
No curtains on the windows
but green glass bottles and pottery shapes that love the fickle light of this valley
A sofa big enough for a bunch of people
with cushions that sink and don't mind spills
There have been spills
And the big old jade plants that have grown one from the other
refuse to die from neglect or shadows or front porch spiders when they are moved
in warmer weather
The painted, plastered, and wall papered walls 
seem pleased to host the hodgepodge of paintings and drawings and photographs
 collected on whims, though sometimes there were voices with stories half told
or rumored. I always remember where they came from.
We are collectors of tokens offered as we move through this life
and we stack and store them 
They remind us that we have moved through places and times
that have made us rich with memories
and lives well lived
 The empty spaces are waiting 
for what comes next

Thursday, February 12, 2015

In Vain

I keep thinking about painting portraits of what's real about
This changing face
Shifting flesh
Lines that form with each smile and worry and disapproval
around my eyes and mouth
The grey hairs that no longer sneak in but announce
the passage of time
I have never known what to do with my hair
and I won't pretend now
even years after my mother is gone
and no longer threatening to make appointments with women
with pastel hair piled high
who snip! snip! while they chit chat
many more inches that fall in delicate silent wisps
to the floor and my back
while I sit in a swivel chair facing a mirror
that tells me my shoulders have rounded
my neck is fleshy
and that cow lick will always make my hair part so that it looks 
like my forehead is getting bigger on one side more than the other
and what used to be called freckles, now age spots,
have taken over 
Each laugh and sorrow has settled into my skin
and I can feel them when I run my fingers across my face
pull and stretch the flesh
remember the stories it tells.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

A Lament on This Day

I am clear that what each moment holds is special,
singular, owing to nothing but the breath that surrounds it
Air that is light and changed with each season
 The sky holds the stars
without effort
and the moon rises and winks from its inky place
certain that it belongs
on each horizon.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

a letter to Haddie

Dear Haddie Pearl

There are no words for how it feels to be a part of this next extraordinary 
place in life
with a generation that follows
Big eyes full of wonder
A heart pounding
And moments from every single day
that fill your senses
Greetings and wiggling fingers
Voices filled with questions
Can you hear me? Do you recognize this voice that called to you
in your mother's belly 
That beautiful underwater place?
We are all here to catch you
receive you
Hold you close
and love you
like no other love
we have known.