Wednesday, December 2, 2015


Big skies call me and I dream of
landscapes whizzing by with the shutter wide open
My heart thumping like a hesitant drummer
I never wonder what is at the end of the journey
 It's what fills the landscape as I move through changing scenes:

Tall matted grass
Broad fields with tractor lines and baled hay
Tiny flowers in the foreground I squint to see and cannot name
Gray brown buildings with slack boards, light streaming through
Slanted shifting shadows
Sometimes a rusted tractor with weedy tendrils woven through its wheels
holding it in place
Dense woods with speckled sun that tiptoes through
Taut, mossy trunks holding thick boughs with wide leaves 
bend over time
  and dead, dried trees with creaking branches that reach like old men
 pointing their arthritic fingers toward the sky, perhaps unwilling
to quit, hoping that the light and drenching rain
will keep them awake just a little longer

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