Wednesday, December 7, 2016

It is winter
Not because the air is colder,
or the days shorter,
the morning commute slower
and slippery,
sloshing on single lane roads,
in early gray, blue light that looks like the entrance to heaven
when straight rays reach from the heavy clouds
and I feel I should say an "Amen" and take a moment to ask for direction for the day
I pray for patience and understanding
and the right words while
heading due north
behind yellow school buses
and weighted pick ups with
logs shifting side to side
with each bend in the road
carefully, and old drivers heading to their morning appointments
cigarette smoke swirling from the crack in the window
slow creaking neck turns side to side
merciless braking
then end of day
quieter, smoother ride home under silhouettes of creaking trees
wild turkeys huddled on the new crunchy snow the ground
is not quite ready to receive
I shiver just looking at them
dark and lost
Once home
opening the door
to the wood heat blast and the smell of 
bacon cooked late morning
after Tim's routine of coffee and reading,
and a handful of vitamins
Lights on 
and changing clothes fast
tugging on boots
wrapping our necks
for a walk 
catching the last light from the top of the village,
washes of pale yellow light and gray that soften my heart
which is sometimes heavy from the day
our fingers twist together through wool gloves
as we look out, trying to
catch our breath
in the night air

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