Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Monday's Walk

I am buried under layers 
sweater, neck warmer, vest
wool and warm
thick socks squeeze my ankles
inside my gray boots laced up to the knee
with soggy mittens I paw at my
ill fitting cap
stretched out, misshapen and slipping over one eye then the other
We walk fast through the snow crunching through the top layer
Up hill and winded
I grab hold of lean trees 
Pissing and moaning under my breath that I just want to take a walk
Branches swack my head as you push through the growth
ahead of me 
wet whips with clinging leaves or stunted limbs
I am self conscious of how often I need to stop
because my legs get ragged feel like they are flapping

 The town gets smaller
white and brick houses get blurry  the church steeple and court house well below us
 the smell of pine lots and wood fire smoke spouting from chimneys in
slow motion then held in the crisp air that fogs with our breath 
and steams from sweat
sometimes we find ourselves on
paths well worn
tracked by deer and skittering voles
We guess that some are made by squirrels
Rabbits are easier, their hind legs dragging give them away

We take just a moment to look out before heading
 down, heels first through ledges made deeper by fallen trees
delicate dance so as not to get tangled
we make our way
 along the river where the water rushes under
crusty mounds, like fragile glass 
delicate swirls around glazed rocks
mist rises
Then up and over the bank to the wooden foot bridge
with snow piled on the sides and rails
It falls silently, slowly 
with each step and vibration

We make our way to the ball field which is untouched, 
a pale quilt
smooth with soft snow shooshing across
what is frozen
once across
we slip out of our snowshoes
to walk home on a familiar road
over the crumbling bridge that rumbles when
the log trucks roll by
we wave back at friendly strangers
and neighbors
under a late day sky 
washed in grays and blues
buttery light fades 
from our quiet valley

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

It is winter
Not because the air is colder,
or the days shorter,
the morning commute slower
and slippery,
sloshing on single lane roads,
in early gray, blue light that looks like the entrance to heaven
when straight rays reach from the heavy clouds
and I feel I should say an "Amen" and take a moment to ask for direction for the day
I pray for patience and understanding
and the right words while
heading due north
behind yellow school buses
and weighted pick ups with
logs shifting side to side
with each bend in the road
carefully, and old drivers heading to their morning appointments
cigarette smoke swirling from the crack in the window
slow creaking neck turns side to side
merciless braking
then end of day
quieter, smoother ride home under silhouettes of creaking trees
wild turkeys huddled on the new crunchy snow the ground
is not quite ready to receive
I shiver just looking at them
dark and lost
Once home
opening the door
to the wood heat blast and the smell of 
bacon cooked late morning
after Tim's routine of coffee and reading,
and a handful of vitamins
Lights on 
and changing clothes fast
tugging on boots
wrapping our necks
for a walk 
catching the last light from the top of the village,
washes of pale yellow light and gray that soften my heart
which is sometimes heavy from the day
our fingers twist together through wool gloves
as we look out, trying to
catch our breath
in the night air

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

I am the mother of three daughters
Who astonish me at every turn
They are smart and poised
filled with joy
and fearlessness
they amaze me
all the time
Take my breath away
with the art they create
They are writers and painters
God, how they love to dance
every day people
grounded by their experiences
hard workers, such freakin' hard  workers

introspective and with extraordinary perspective
journeying forward 
committed to doing good things
acknowledging others who struggle
looking them clear in the eye
and reaching out to lift up
being kind and thoughtful
loving their lives
appreciative of the gifts that surround them to include 
big love
Oh my I am so proud to be
your mother
so pleased to know such lovely women
love love love holdng your hands
when we walk together.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

It's All Uphill

when I lose my footing I understand it is a reminder
to find the right shoes
aimless and wandering is fine if you have boots
or a paddle to move through water pushed by wind
it becomes important to pay attention
to the moon's rising
and light
long shadows cast
so people can see you coming
or going
it's hard to know what sound to make
when you are just about to pass them.

Monday, March 21, 2016


There was a stream I loved to walk into
Cold water screaming at my ankles, then rubber tube... I laid back in its welcome circle warmed by the sun
Extended my legs
and said hello to the big blue sky that made me dizzy with clouds that floated by
not sure which of us was moving faster
Water surface like keen jeweled light
tip toeing then dancing comfortably to its own secret rhythm
ordered by wind and melt then sent from far away
Bumping from rock to mossy rock
Pushing off from deeper sides, rich smells of soil sliding from the edge
and lush sweet moss
Water the color of leaves and tree roots breaking down
Rich glowing amber 
Around the bend small gray birds lift up when they feel me coming and water follows from their wings
a new stream caught in exquisite light
and a moment
that settled inside me 
and remains

Friday, March 4, 2016

This Likeness
This Purpose

You told me that you were afraid that your life was not on schedule
That the course was not clear
You could not picture yourself in a place
I listened to your worries but
I know I never had them, until I had daughters, because I let myself drift along until I bumped into you,
I was young then and my heart was open
You took it over from the moment I knew you were there, resting and growing in my belly
waiting for your time to arrive in my arms
 and now I want so badly to tell you how wonderful it is
to have come to this place and time when each day is recognized as a gift
not always wrapped neatly
Sometimes the hands that hold it ache or tremor
Not just from angst or anticipation

Mostly my breath is taken away
By the measure of who you have each become
Like it or not
The purpose of this life was to bear witness
to possibility
and not just my own.

Friday, January 22, 2016

I dive into the water several nights per week
I know I am there for quiet and to hear myself breath
water warming against my skin with each
awkward stroke
changing it up side to side, front to back
dragging myself across the surface
while the bored lifeguard flicks himself awake
He avoids eye contact and it's okay with me
I just wish I were a better swimmer

For fun I envision myself as a butterfly 
not panicked when I close my eyes and
 bump into the cool blue sides
, thinking I will feel the water better that way
I am determined
To propel myself forward
Making time
against that aimless clock with the giant hand that clucks with each move
never set for swimmers like me
who refuse to wear a rubber cap
or goggles
sometimes floating
Just because I can