Sunday, November 4, 2018

Our new normal is angst and recovery
Frantic moments
Breath held while one affliction or another overcomes us
We don't really panic, rather, we remain poised
Make jokes en route to our diagnosis
which is minimized by the professionals in response to
 our ability to make jokes in the first place
They love our banter, the disguise for fear that one thread pulled will unravel
our comfort
The insulation, which is our nights settling in
The haze that wraps around us
We quietly trip over our toes
and if we are lucky
we break the fall surrounded by loved ones who choose to look away.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

this winter

chill has set in
we look for warmth where we can find it
curled up on the sofa with thick socks
and hot tea
something to read 
words to roam over
distracted by the settling
of our creaking house
that moans with its subtle moves

the fire in the furnace needs tending
but it's worth the effort 
to heat these wide boards
with creases filled with dust
and the dribbles 
that move over them
they drink the lives that settle in
and hear the laughter and angst
accept the daily clamor
and scattered mismatched rugs

we think of stews and soups and pies that
sit heavy in our bellies
with beef and broths
chops from the local butcher
peppered, seared
absorbing the juices
capered and lemony
gatherings at the wide table
local talk and plans for warmer days
or places

deep and longer sleep
between flannel sheets
and heavy quilts
always with a window open
to smell the dark and the moon
rising in clear skies sparkled with stars
that wink
sometimes I walk outside and stand in my stockinged feet
and just breathe this valley 
wood smoke
and generations 
settle in 
light snow falls
and there is no sound
not even a shoosh
when it touches the ground